Laboratory and clinical studies have proven Light Therapy to be effective for tissue repair related to: Ligament Tear, Tendon Ruptures, Bone and Dental Tissue, Ulcer.
However, available evidence suggests beneficial effects for many pain conditions including, but not limited to following: carpal tunnel syndrome, neck and back pain, acute phase harpes zoster (Shingles), post-herpatic neuralgia, TMJ pain.
Light Therapy promotes:
- inflammation
- fibroplasia
- formation of new blood vessels
- collagen synthesis
Light Therapy can effectively treat a number of soft-tissue injuries, pain, and inflammatory condition. Recently, this exciting technology was cleared by the FDA for the treatment of pain and stiffness associated with arthritis. This is particularly important and timely in light of recent published concerns regarding the safety of traditional arthritis medications.
Light Therapy is backed by extensive research with hundreds of published studies covering a wide range of conditions including arthritis.
Light Therapy is also effective in treating a number of soft-tissue injuries, pain, and inflammatory conditions as:
- Heel Pain
- Knee Pain
- Elbow Pain
- Hand Pain
- Neck Pain
- TMJ Pain
Anodyne Therapy
Thousand of patients with neuropathy are now getting relief from pain each month!
Visit our Anodyne® Neuropathy Care Center™
Active Rehab Center is the Anodyne Neuropathy Care Center that offers help for patients with diabetic neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy and chronic non-healing wounds.
Anodyne Therapy helps to:

- improve sensation in affected areas
- reduce pain
- reduce in pain medications
- improve wound healing in chronic non-healing wounds
- prevent amputations in affected areas

Therapy may include any or all of the following interventions, depending on the patients’ particular needs:
- Anodyne Therapy to temporarily reduce pain and increase circulation to impaired tissues and nerves
- Stretching and strengthening exercises
- Dynamic and static balance exercises
- Manual Therapy and Massage
- Other therapeutic modalities like: US, EMS, Whirlpool etc
- Sensory integrative techniques
*Anodyne is not for everyone. If you are pregnant or have active cancer, there are special cautions when using this therapy. Anodyne may be safely used with metal implants, pins and screws, pacemakers, and defibrillators.
How does the therapy work?
Most patients say that Anodyne Therapy feels warm and soothing. Others say they feel some tingling and pulsing. This is normal as blood flow returns to the area. Some patients respond very quickly in our comprehensive program, while others take longer based on their degree of impairment. We will work with your as long as you are willing and we can continue to show that your condition is improving.

Pain is often the first symptom to improve in our program, while functional improvement may take more therapy. The first study examined 784 patients with chronic pain who were unresponsive to ultrasound, electrical stimulation, hot packs and medications. Nearly 89% of the patients had excellent to total pain relief within twelve 45-minute Anodyne Therapy sessions. As the study show, while not every patient experiences pain relief, the vast majority do.
Laser Therapy
Coming soon.